Being hungry when you go - Okay, I know the number one rule to shopping is not to starve yourself before making a trip to the grocery store, but, I've found if I eat before I go, then when I make the stroll down any aisle, absolutely nothing looks appealing. If I'm hungry when I arrive, I actually buy things that I'll eat later on, where as when i'm full, I don't grab anything, and later I fuss myself for bailing on the food that my stomach craves oh so much. Going alone - Now this doesn't happen very often. In fact, I may have only grocery shopped alone 7 or 8 times in my life. But, I've realized how pressured I feel when i'm being followed, or following someone else down the fruit & vegetables section and they are adamently staring at every single thing I pick up (and probably judging the fact that i hate vegetables.) I also feel like I'm rushed...and that causes me a lot of anxiety as well as a hard hit to my wallet. This is mostly because when I'm rushed I don't pay near as much attention to prices, or healthiness. Grocery Lists - Without one of these, I. cannot. function. The problem is simple. I forget every necessary ingredient to any meal my little hands can throw together. My brain goes 100+ mph a day, and that doesn't stop just because I'm in a supermarket. I neeeeeed a list. I'm sure everyone needs a list! I've found quite a few printables online, and I've decided to make my own, according to what my own usual grocery list entails. Below is a link to the document of the grocery list. Please feel free to use it at your convenience. I know it's helped me tremendously. Print a few out, attach it to the fridge with a handy little magnet, add items as you run out of them, and voila! EASY. enjoy :)
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